White truffle is a great natural anti-aging ingredient because it helps firm skin and keep it elastic.
Shea Butter works as an emollient that softens and hydrates skin. It not only improves the skin's natural barrier but also protects it from damage caused by the environment and pollutants.
Licorice extract is ideal for those with uneven skin tone and spots. This is considered to be one of the safest agents for targeting areas of discoloration.
Centella Asiatica Extract helps to calm red, damaged and inflamed skin. It is therefore ideal for those with damaged skin barriers, acne and irritated skin.
Sodium Hyaluronate helps your acne by rebalancing the skin if you are overly drying it with harsh exfoliants, cleansers, and treatments.
Glycerin is a skin-replenishing and skin-restoring ingredient because it helps to establish normal balance and hydration. In addition, it is one of the many substances in skin that helps maintain a healthy look and feel. Finally, it defends against dryness and works to maintain skin’s moisture level.
Adenosine functions as a skin soothing and restoring agent.